The Season of Sefer D’varim Begins At Last!

Posted Monday, July 8, 2013/1 Av 5773

And so, Beloved, the time has at last come for us to embark upon the final leg of the Torah journey

Prepare to soar higher than ever before – and get a totally new perspective – as we navigate the beautiful and inspiring vistas of Sefer D’varim. 

What mysteries will we find waiting for us along the Master’s pathway?

We will discover that in the course of the last 36-days of his life Moshe is going to download on planet earth a prophetic love song of epic proportions. With mere words the no longer slow of speech and thick of tongue Prophet of the Most High will paint for us a stunning masterpiece – a glorious masterpiece which will portray on a simple sheepskin canvas all the outworkings – and the ups and downs, past, present and future – which make up the Great Divine Romance which began with the call of Avram and will not conclude until the Great Wedding Day of the Messiah.

It will be in this book that the Holy One will lay out the details of the rich and glorious destiny and purpose on earth of the blushing Bride the Creator of the Universe betrothed to Himself at Mount Sinai.

Thus far we have read of the chilling tests, trials, and tribulations of the great prophetic journey. Now we will begin to focus heart, soul, and mind on the glorious destination which awaits us.

See you at the scenic overlook!

– the Rabbi’s son

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