An Invitation to Join Us On the Epic Bridal Journey –

at the Mid-Week Gathering at the Center

Posted Tuesday, July 2, 2013/24 Tammuz 5773

This Wednesday evening at 7:00 the ‘Most Important Message I Have Ever Spoken‘ series continues in the main hall of gatherings at the Center.

The theme of the series is ‘There is a time coming – but there is A PEOPLE ARISING!’

Our journey through the first four chapters of the Song of all Songs has now brought us to the critical point where even when we fall asleep, our heart remains awake.  And what that means, we will discover this week, is that we are now ripe for a second, even more intense, ‘dark night of the soul’ experience.

If you are in the area and free, come and experience with us ‘Strangers in the Night’. Be part of the ‘people that is arising’ to face the time that is coming.

–  The Rabbi’s son

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