Below are all the publications you can partner with us by subscribing to. Please click on the “SIGN UP” link to purchase the subscription.
Foundations Audio
As Requested, Audio Versions of the Studies!!!!
The Rabbi’s son has a wonderful new audio option available to Partners. The Rabbi’s son is pleased to announce that, at long last, audio version of all his daily studies are now being made available.
For your recurring donation/partnership subscription of $20.00/month you will be provided access to all the Rabbi’s son Daily Lessons/Meditations in audio format lovingly narrated by John Michael Bullock, [i.e. the Rabbi’s son’s son]
MidWinter Journey
Celebrate Chanukah at A Deeper Level This Year by Participating with the Rabbi’s son in A Mid-Winter Journey of the Awestruck Heart.
This eight-part series of devotions – one for each night of Chanukah – helps the reader feel like one of Yeshua’s Inner Circle taking the Wintry Walk up to Jerusalem with the Messiah to participate in the ‘Feast of Dedication’.
This was the last year of the Master’s earthly life – and the last Chanukah – or ‘Feast of Dedication’ – that He and His Disciples would be able to observe together in this life.
Let these meditations unveil for you the deep connection that exists between Chanukah and our Beloved Messiah. Over the eight days of the Feast, the Rabbi’s son will call every follower of the Master to make a fresh commitment of our Great King, to His Kingdom, and to His Ways. This is available for a one-time donation of $25.00
For The Miracles
Eight days of Radical Rededication is a Messianic Haggadah for Each of the Eight Days of Chanukah
This year the Rabbi’s son is making available a very special and inspiring Messianic Chanukah Guide he has used in his own family celebration for years.
Eight days of Radical Rededication is a Messianic Haggadah for each of the Eight Days of Chanukah.
A separate guidebook for use in homes and small groups is provided for every night. This is available for a one time donation of $15.00
Purim Journey
Celebrate Purim at a Deeper Level This Year by Participating with the Rabbi’s son in The Queen of Persia’s Journey of the Awestruck Heart
The Rabbi’s son is excited to announce another beautifully written series of daily meditations – this one for the Great Season of Awakening and Overcoming known to the world as Purim.
The New Moon for the twelfth month – Adar – is only a few Days Away. Purim is just around the corner. And the Queen of Persia in us all has quite a journey ahead – i.e. ‘The Queen of Persia’s Journey of the Awestruck Heart’ This series of meditations on the themes of the Book of Esther, as they relate to us and our awestruck hearts, of course, are the latest installment in the Rabbi’s son’s ‘Journey’ series.
These meditations will be made available to anyone who responds to this invitation by making a one-time donation of $20.00 to the Rabbi’s son’s ministries. Click below to sign up.
Passover Haggadah
The Prophetic Story of a People Awakening to Bridal Love is a Seder guide written by the Rabbi’s Son for use by families and small groups.
The Rabbi’s son is pleased to announce the availability of a special resource to enhance your personal, family, or group experience of Passover.
This resource was personally compiled by the Rabbi’s son for use in his own household and fellowship on Passover.
This special Messianic Haggadah is made available online for a one-time donation of $20.00. To sign up for this resource, please just click on the link below.
Shavuot Haggadah
Share a Deep and Rich Shavuot Experience With Your Family or Group
The Rabbi’s son is pleased to announce the availability of a special resource designed to enhance your personal, family, or group experience of Shavuot – i.e. the Feast of Weeks, or Day of Pentecost.
The Rabbi’s son has patterned this inspirational Haggadah after he beautiful Booklet of Wisdom that is used at the Seder in connection with traditional celebrations of Passover.
The stories, readings, and prayers in this resource, however, are directly related to the Festival of Weeks – or ‘Shavuot’. This special Messianic Haggadah is made available online for a limited time, to all who make a one-time donation of $20.00. Click on the ‘Sign Up’ Button below.
Late Summer Journey
Prepare for the High Holy Days by joining the Rabbi’s son for The Late Summer Journey of the Awestruck Heart
This beautiful thirty-part series of devotions – which are provided in both written and audio form for your convenience – guides the reader gently as he or she prepares heart, hearth, and home for the rich experience of participating with Messiah in the upcoming season of face to Face encounters with our Creator – i.e. Yom Teruah/Rosh HaShanah [ ‘Trumpets’], Yom Kippur [the Day of Atonement], and Sukkot [Tabernacles]
Let these Rabbi’s son’s meditations unveil for you the deep connection that exists between the 6th month of the Biblical Year – Elul – and the Greater Redemptive Plan of the Holy One our God.
This is available for a one-time donation of $30.00 NOTE: Those subscribing for this resource will also receive access to four very special songs written and performed by John Michael Bullock. To sign up for access to these meditations, and to help support the Rabbi’s son’s Torah ministry, just click on the ‘Sign Up’ Button below.
Rosh HaShanah
A Special Inspirational Haggadah Designed for Home or Small Group Observance of Rosh HaShanah
The Rabbi’s son is pleased to announce the availability of a special resource to enhance your personal, family, or group experience of Rosh HaShanah.
This resource was personally compiled by the Rabbi’s son for use in his own household and fellowship on Rosh HaShannah.
This special Messianic Resource is made available online for a one-time donation of $20.00. To sign up for this resource, click below.