The Most Important Message I Have Ever Spoken – Part XXXII

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This Wednesday evening at Regions the glorious Song of all Songs continues. It is time for Act III of the Great Story of God and man to begin.

The scene is the dark night of the soul. In the midst of this dark night an intense longing awakens in the heart of the Bride-elect.  She suddenly craves much, much more than just good theology and an experience or two to tell about.

She must have His Presence. She must be with Him.

Something has to change, and has to change now.

Ah, but here is the question that hangs in the air: what will the fervent Bride-elect do with the Bridegroom-King once she finds Him?

Will she throw herself at His feet, ready, willing and able to go where He goes and do what He does? OR will she instead try to bottle Him up and take Him home with her?

Will she lay down all, and pay any price for the sheer joy of being with Him and loving and serving Him the way He deserves to be loved and served? Or will she selfishly demand that He serve her, and cater to her every need and whim?

This is your song. This is my song. Let’s sing it together this Wednesday at Regions, in the main building, beginning at approximately 7:00 pm.

This is not ‘church’. This is Body-life.

– the Rabbi’s son

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